
Showing posts from March, 2020

Some Quotes from Book Atlas Shrugged

Here is a list of my favorite quotes from the book "Atlas Shrugged"... Two things were impossible to him: to stand still or to move aimlessly. Now they are hurrying because they are afraid. It’s not a purpose that drives them, it is fear. Describing un-successful life of a great man, “His life had been a summary of the lives of all the men whose reward is a monument in a public park a hundred years after the time when a reward can matter.” If you don’t know, the thing to do is not to get scared, but to learn She thought “A train has two great attributes of life: motion and purpose. If this was the enemy, there was nothing to fear. She had learned, in the slums of her childhood that honest people were never touchy about the matter of being trusted…. I win by means of nothing but logic and I surrender to nothing but logic. Building is not done by abstaining from demolition. You reject your tool of perception – your mind – then complain that the universe is a myster